trigger mode console

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trigger mode console

Post by flipje100 »

i Have setup a console. one controller has a general output to control an channel

when I choose for the trigger mode LTP. the controller takes control of the dmx channel. but it doesn't release when i select a scene
if i choose free or auto the controller doesn't work.

add, sub, lowest work fine, but not what i want

any idea

Maxi Forumor
Posts: 213
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:59 pm

Post by dylan »

If I understand right :

to control with a controller fader add 2 "general output" functions.

The first configured like that :
trigger mode = LTP
Plage slider min = 1
Plage slider max = 255

The second like that:
trigger mode = Auto
Plage slider min = 0
Plage slider max = 0

The fist put the channel in LTP when the level upper than 0, and the second put the channel in Auto when the level is 0.
------- Dylan --------

Post by flipje100 »


Yes this works but, You have to go to 0 to release the controller.
thats not what i want.

what I have in mind.

I'll get control with a fader of the X-channel of a scan. I fix it on a position, for example a singer,. when She's doen singing, I want to go to a scene. This scene has a fade-time so it wil fade from the singers-position to the programed position ( easytime in this case).

I can do this with a combination of switches and scene

i have two swichtes with dimmer functions. one controling the X-channel and one the Y-channel. I can now fix the scan position.
When i double -clic on the scnene the switches release and the scene kicks in. the switches en scenes al funtions in LTP-mode ( latest take priority)

I have now linkt two faders to the two control the dimmer on the switches and this works. but it should work with the hardware -controller in "general output mode"
the only problem is the AUTO-funtion of the controller-part of sunlight. In auto-mode the Controller-fader doesn't take control over the dmx-channel

greetz Flip
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