some questions

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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New Forumor
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some questions

Post by mix »

In this days I'm Trying the software with my light to prepare a show. I know that can be fatal use sl2 in live, but, why not try?

First off all I've founded 2 bug that have crashed the app (I'm using the 10/05/2010 version):
[*]I've started the app the first time and I was deleting the old page and button in the master page. When I was deleting the cycle buttons, accidentally I've pressed one of that (all the other buttons except the cycle buttons was deleted) and the app crash.
[*]In the page edit I was deleting the default group paire and the app crash (I've added 2 moving head in the patch previously)

Second think: I need to use some dimmer (2x6 + 1x12) so I've thinked to use an external dmx console with 48 sliders to controll that channel.
I've created a new midi virtual console with only 48 slider, and I've associated the 48 dmx in ch to the 48 slider to use it. Next I've associated the midi slider to the dim controll of some buttons that contains the dim for the dimmer ch. But I've a little problem and a question:
the control wasn't linear (it's Jerky) and there's too many latency beatwin the dmx consol and the dmx out of the interface (1.5/2 sec).
Can It depend by the powerfull off the processor of the pc? (I'm using a 1.6ghz single core now)
And now the question: To controll the 24 dimmer channel I have to create 24 button, one per dim channel? There's any direct method (in the old version there was) to controll directly some chan with a dmx in? (In the previus version, I was having to make a sigle button and I can assign too dmx in to more dmx out, elsewhere, in the dmx controll software there a function in the main control mixer to associate some in to some out directly)

And finally: cannot you make a bug solved/done work/added think page that explain the think that was fixed in the various beta off the software?
(I'm waiting the joystick control of the x/y grid ^o^)

ps: when will released the next beta? just to know ^^

thanks for all
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by simonB »

When I was deleting the cycle buttons, accidentally I've pressed one
I've just found a bug whereby if you delete a button which has been used in an unsaved cycle, then the cycle is activated, the app will crash. This could be the same bug. This should be fixed within the next couple of releases, let me know if you find the problem again in 1 month.
I was deleting the default group paire and the app crash
I cant reproduce the problem, however if you try to delete a group when you have deleted all groups, you get a crash, maybe it is the same bug?
the control wasn't linear (it's Jerky) and there's too many latency beatwin the dmx consol and the dmx out of the interface (1.5/2 sec).
-Is this problem in real life or in the 3D? If it is in 3D, turn the advanced rendering off.
-If the problem is in real life, close suite 2, open up tools.exe and navigate to the DMX in tab. If you recieve a delay here there is a problem with your DMX controller or interface, if not it is probably a software issue. E-mail me your show and I will test.
There's any direct method (in the old version there was) to controll directly some chan with a dmx in?
-We will be adding a feature to assign a midi fader directly to an output fader, probably within the live tab of the console editor
-We may add a feature similar to the DMX rack in Suite1. It is on this list of things to discus
I'm waiting the joystick control of the x/y grid
-I suggested this but the general view was that this was not needed. However it was in suite1 so I will suggest that it is put into suite2.
when will released the next beta? just to know ^^
probably within the next couple of weeks
New Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by mix »

some update:
The delay is generated by the console... (I've used the tools.exe software and I saw that the interface have 7ms of delay, and the dmx was in late in it, so is the console....)

I've found some other bug:
  • the first and big: the min and max value off a patched channel don't work well-> if you limit a channel with this value
    34-161, the dmx out real value is 49-175
    46-130 -> 6-89
    it's impossible use it now... (probably the math expression that is used to generate the dmx out variabile is wrong...)
  • if you limit a moving head when you create the page, you cannot modify the limit with the same "wizard" box, and you have to go to the patch channel and modify it manual (the button in the patch page is always disabled)
  • if you modify a default take button after have used it with the external grid, the app crash
an other thing: please make the possibility to save the patch of a midi consoles!!! (midi ch,port, etc, dmx ch, live-edit assign) (i've do 48 patch 6 time.......)

and finally: cannot you create a todo/done thing list, so the user can view wich bug was fixed and wich function is added...

Mix ^o^
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by simonB »

: the min and max value off a patched channel don't work well-
I can't get this to work at all anymore, it will be looked into.
you cannot modify the limit with
Not finished yet, it could have been forgotten about so I'll add it to the list.
if you modify a default take button after have used it with the external grid, the app crash
I can't reproduce this. Make sure you are using the latest version, send me your show if it is still happening.
please make the possibility to save the patch of a midi consoles
I understand that this can be useful, however the fixtures and numbers of channels vary for each show so it could be difficult to save parameters for fixtures which do not exist. For example, if you assign a midi console function to a button activation on a page, then you delete the button or page, the console command will also be deleted.
cannot you create a todo/done thing list, so the user can view wich bug was fixed and wich function is added...
I'll create a sticky on this forum which will be updated when each new release is posted after the official release around september. Hundreds of changes are being made every week at the moment and it would take too long to keep track of each tiny ammendment made.

Thanks again for your help
New Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by mix »

First off all, the event where I've used the light was a success. Here some pic's off the light/consoles ^.^ ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 )

Now back to us: I've 3 other bug that there's in the last release (21-06):
  • I've a page with some moving-head, changecolor and single-channer. If I delete in the patch windows something and I save the page settings the software crash. (When I close the the page settings windows, not the fixture patch windows) (file: festa_grest)
    Show File
    (250.94 KiB) Downloaded 514 times
  • If I use a min-max dimmer function with the channel (to reduce the action area off the XY control) it don't work (I know that this is not a bug... the bug is after... This is a suggested function... ^^)
    If I take back the channel to normal dimmer function, when I active the button, the app crash.
  • When I load one off the old show that I have created in the old beta, the app crash (file: treviglio_last)
    Show File
    (250.94 KiB) Downloaded 514 times
Thanks Mix
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by simonB »

Hi Mix

Nice photos! Do you have any videos by any chance? It would be nice to add it to NicolaudieTV, we have not added any Suite2 Videos yet. If not, do you mind if I add a small slideshow of the photos? If this is ok, send me some information on the gig and your website if you have one.

1. This happens for me. We'll look into it.
2. First of all, the min/max should work for all channel types. I have tested this in the 1st July version and it seems to work fine with x/y channels. Do you know you can also limit the highest pan and tilt values within the page settings? Go to the patch tab and elect the icon in the top right.
3. Sorry, but I can't reproduce this one either! Try it with the latest version
New Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by mix »

unfortunately I haven't any video... For the other photo and the website I have to wait to talk about it with the other people that have helped me in that evening...
When I know something I'll write it to you ^^

For the sw:
2: my problem isn't that the min-max dimmer don't work with the xy channel... that works... the problem is that the XY external windows don't work with the min-max value. I know that I can reduce the area (I've posted a bug about it in the previous topic..), but if I want to reduce only the XY controll to have a more efficient contoll in one space area?
3: I'm using the 21-06 version that is the last build on the website and only with it I have that problem... with the previous version that file work.

Thanks Mix
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: some questions

Post by simonB »

2. I understand what you mean now. There is no way to do this at the moment. We are going to think about maybe adding an option to assign a min/max value within the "Take Settings" dialog (when you right click the grid). For now you could adjust the resolution for a more accurate adjustment, then enlarge the grid.
3. We'll release a new build within the next week or 2
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