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So here's the deal..

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:17 pm
by paulheu
I am installing a LED system in a club where there are 3 areas (page A-C). Each of these needs it's own control, but I also want to be able to set all areas at the same time(page D).

Now let's say I have all areas green, now I goto area 1 (on page A) and set that area to RED.. IF I now deselect the same button on page A I need the leds in area 1 to go OFF and not return to green, which is what I believe would happen right now..

Also if I understand previous posts correctly in order I need the separate areas first then the 'all area' page last.. this is not a big issue, but I would prefer the other way around if at all possible..

tx for any help you can give me

Re: So here's the deal..

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:33 am
by simonB
Hi Paul

At the moment the STICK is in page priority. As you described, you would need ot have a global area on a later page and run your background scenes here.

We are currently working on a whole host of other triggering methods such as Latest Takes priority whereby which ever scene you trigger on any page will override the previous page, and also a custom page you can set as a master page, or a custom page order. All these options are currently being tested and soon there will be a new release of the hardware tools whereby you can specify all these parameters and write them over to the STICK. I'll let you know when this is ready.

Re: So here's the deal..

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:51 pm
by paulheu
As this is something that has been 'in the pipeline' for quite a while now and we will need to demo very soon (as in this month) what are the chances we will see a public beta.. I have a few project riding on some of these features and right now it's not gonna be the STICK we will choose. And once a competing product gets in the door chances are we will also start using their 'regular' DMX interface/software..

As is it's a nice wall ornament, but hardly user-friendly to our customers in a turn key solution. Another case of a great idea with IMO bad execution and continued development..

Re: So here's the deal..

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:26 am
by simonB
With the latest hardware tools, the STICK defaults to LTP (latest takes priority) mode, so whichever scene is changed on any page will override its previous settings. It is also possible to revert back to page priority mode, so you can run background scenes on page E and switch other scenes on and off on higher priority pages.

In LTP mode, if you have a global scene in green with all fixtures, then change 1 fixture to red, when the red scene is deactivated the modified fixture will not revert to green. Unfortunately there is no way around this in LTP mode(other than to build a larger processor into the STICK, doubling the price of the product). Imagine you are activating a scene on each page whereby the same fixture is used. You are using 1024 channels and all 5 pages. There would have to be a priority value stored along with 5 channel values for every channel on every page. This is fine when using with a computer, but as a stand alone unit, the processing power required for this would be massive.

Re: So here's the deal..

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:05 pm
by paulheu
simonB wrote:In LTP mode, if you have a global scene in green with all fixtures, then change 1 fixture to red, when the red scene is deactivated the modified fixture will not revert to green. Unfortunately there is no way around this in LTP mode(other than to build a larger processor into the STICK, doubling the price of the product).
Great news.. In fact this behaviour is precisely what I would like to see. Your response makes me wonder hoe the software handles the DMX stream.. IMO it should buffer the stream and mask the sequences altered by the scenes in or out of it.. If each previous mask is saved in a buffer for each action you should easily be able to revert back or forget previous settings.. that would take memory yes, but hardly any more CPU power..

I will check the updated tools asap..