Patching Multiple Fixtures Per Address

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Patching Multiple Fixtures Per Address

Post by jnobel »

I was hoping to have another question answered...

I am working with a series of LED tubes that take up about 320 channels combined. They connect not via dmx, but use a non-dmx, proprietary connection between them. In order to set them up within a dmx daisy chain I have to use a dmx-to-proprietary convertor. I have done that successfully and they run very well via SS2.

My issue is this...

Unfortunately the 320 channels that the tubes use are more than what is left in the universe after I patch in all my other fixtures. I do not have any way to get another dmx-to-proprietary convertor (to patch the tubes in another universe) so I only have use of the first universe. I would like to patch all the tubes within U.1. I do not want to unpatch any of the existing fixtures and I want to use all the tubes.

My question is this...

Is there a way that I can patch the tubes so that every channel will send the same information to 2 sets of fixtures? I want to send 160 channels worth of information to 320 channels worth of fixtures. I would like the second set of the tubes to receive the same information as the first set and respond exactly the same way. How would I go about doing this?


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Re: Patching Multiple Fixtures Per Address

Post by simonB »

Hi Jordan

Sunlite Suite 2 cannot tell your fixtures which address to listen to, this is impossible. This would normally be achieved by addressing the second set of your fixtures the same as your first set, therefore it will be up to your DMX-Proprietary converter to do this.

Have you thought about patching these fixtures on a second universe? (this is not possible with the suite2-bc)
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