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Method to fade up mixed fixtures

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:02 pm
by VinceC
Hi Sunliters,
I have set up a page with a combination of Parcans (on conventional dimmers) and a pair of moving head lights. I have set up scenes which use some parcans as well as the moving head fixtures.
What I can to do is to go to a particular scene while the lights are dimmed (on a separate switch button), but what I can't do is fade them all up to the level set in the scene. I need a means to have a "Fade up all" button, but only to the level set in the scene, so the scene settings must override the "Fade Up" switch settings. Any ideas?
Cheers, Vince

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:41 pm
by C_Gregory
Hi Vince,

Having setup a scene with the levels you require, copy the scene to a new scene button.

Edit the copied scene to give zero levels.

Edit both buttons with the fade time you require.

Select the copied scene first.

When ready activate your original scene.

Hey presto. If I understand your query correctly, this should give you the required effect.

Happy lighting!!


Chris G

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:07 am
by VinceC
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the idea. My original thought was to have a "general purpose" switch button that I could use to fade up any scene on these lines:
1. Select "Fade out" switch (to drop all dimmer levels to zero)
2. Select scene (with combination of Pars & Moving lights) while blacked out
3. Select "Fade up" switch (to bring up dimmers to the levels set in the Scene)

- but I think to be honest your approach would be better & neater, as it would be easier to then create a cycle stack going from faded down scene to faded up scene for all the scenes I want to use. I haven't made much use of cycles as yet, but that has to be the way to go for show automation.

The discipline will be to remember to re-duplicate any scene if I modify it, to create a "faded-out" version that matches in everything except dimmer levels.

Thanks again
Cheers, Vince