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A other Problem Some Buttons swich of other... other do not?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:44 pm
by Tschosef

now... i am neary ready with my setup, and i think i am able to work next weekend with the software (i hope it) (without lightning Led`s at Midi Device :-) )

but in this moment i found a new problem. To describe it i made a Screen Capture Video... Please Download this video. ... nUsage.avi
(Upload will be done at 24:00 o Clock)

you should see this:

(Note: if you see not a "MouseClick Circle" i am using the MidiConsole.... if i use the Mouse, you will see the Circle)

First, i am selecting a Swich, wich is selecting a COLOR for the Moving lights ... then i am selecting some Position Swiches for the Moving Lights.... so the movinglights and Scanners are moving.
Then i press the "Front Light FlashButton"...
all is working well. with this color

Then you will see, i selecting a OTHER color, and do the same...
The surprising effect is:
if i press now one of the Front Light Flash Buttons, and release it again, also the Color And Positions Switches are OFF (now the band will have no light!)
But if i Press more than 1 Front Light Flash Buttons and hold them while pressing the next one, and then i release them all, the Color and Position Swiches are still pressed !!! That is that, what i need :-)

Yo will see this effekt 2 times on the video.

So please tell me, where and how could i change this, to swich of this effect ...

Note: The Front Flash Button is just changing the Dimmer of some Front lights.... it is not changing something at the Colors or Positions of the Movinglights. So i do not understand this.

Hope to get a answer soon.

best regards

Re: A other Problem Some Buttons swich of other... other do

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:52 am
by RichterMC
Hi Erich,

can you post your showfile as well or send it to simon and me, please.

Have you checked the settings "This switch will automatically released in case a double click on another one" and " Disable reset switch when double click on this button"
in the button settings ??

Best Gernot

Re: A other Problem Some Buttons swich of other... other do

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:20 pm
by Tschosef
Hello Gernot,

thank you for your Reply. I will send the Showfile....
Have you checked the settings "This switch will automatically released in case a double click on another one" and " Disable reset switch when double click on this button"
in the button settings ??
Okay... if i remove the selection in Option "This swich will autumatically released in case a double click on a other one" then the Color swich will not be released, in case of Release the FrontFlashSwich. But in this case, it will also not release when i select the INIT Scene.... this is not that i want :-)

So the question is: Why is the FrontFlashSwich swiching of the ColorSwich if i release the FrontFlashSwich? The deleslection of the option let see, the FrontFlashSwich is "simulating" a DoubleClick? Why this? ....

15 Minutes later:
okay... because this thoughts... i did some more tests... the Result ist:
If if using the Flash button in a short time (only a short tipp on the button) then this will be interpeted as a DoubleClick? Every other Swich, will be released in this case!
If i use the flash button slow (Press..... count 21... 22..) and release, then the other swiches will not be released, and all is okay.
Yesterday (in the evening when i makee the video) seems, sometime i was faster, and sometimes i was slower by pressing the FlashButton...

a ohter effect i found is:
first i select some swiches (Color and Position)
Now i press the FrontLightFlashButton ... hold it... count 21...22... and Realease it, and IMEDIATELY (sofort) i press it again, also in this moment all the other Swiches are released... in the moment in press the FlashButton again!

I think this i s a BUG:

A Click is "Pressing a Button + Release the Button"
A DoubleClick ist "Press Button + Release Button and (sofort) Imideatelly Press Button + Release Button again"

Just fast pressing and release a Button is not a DoubleClick, but Software sees a double click in this moment.

I think the software does also not sense the differenz between press Event and Release Event of a Midi Button... In this way, errors are happening :-)

Auf gut Deutsch... der Knopf ist nicht entprellt.... sagt der Techniker... grins

Hope this will help.

best regards

Re: A other Problem Some Buttons swich of other... other do

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:52 am
by hsteppke
Maybe a workaround for you and eventual the best thing to do for a Button where you mid press onto often, like for Flashing the Audience Blinder :)
In Switch Settings you could Disable the reset of other Buttons.

Re: A other Problem Some Buttons swich of other... other do

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:11 pm
by Tschosef
Hello hsteppke...

sorry, i have trouble to understand your anser... please could you explain it exacter?
