Fade Time

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Super Forumor
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Fade Time

Post by hsteppke »


it would be nice if there would be (maybe there is and i juts havnt found it) a kind of Fadetime Dial/Fader/Setting that would allow for eg Chaser Effekts to fade from one step to the next and the same for a Scene so that if i select the next scene it gets fade in and the prev scene gets fade out so that a show is a bit more smooth. Preferable it should work in a way that if its 0 all behaves as normal and if i turne it up everything fades from one step to another from one scen to another.

I missed this specificaly on a live show is used Sunlite for on one of the last weekends. We had LEDs RGB Fixtures there and Par64 so switching LED Scenes.
So i can have everything look smooth whithout changing every scne to use a fadetime.


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Re: Fade Time

Post by simonB »

I'm not completely sure what you mean here. Do you mean a way to set a fade time on all scenes at once? This is possible if scenes are stacked within a Cycle.
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