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Restrict Chauvet Spot 350 LED pan/tilt range

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:45 pm
by Shep2112
Hi everyone,

I spoke with Adam earlier regarding this but haven't been able to come up with a workable solution.

I have a pair of these fixtures mounted to a truss against a wall. When I use a preset movement, such as a circle or double circle, the light projects against the wall half of the time.

If I use the Patch window's XY button in the upper right, I can restrict the range, but the movement is no longer smooth, it's very jerky. I have tried restricting the pan and tilt on the fixtures themselves and I have the same result.

I have also tried creating my own circle in EasyTime Pan/Tilt and making it smaller, then dragging it to any position in the X/Y position window.

None of these things work 100%. The lights are still hitting the wall. I feel it has something to do with the heads moving 540 degrees vs 360. I can restrict the fixture to 360 but the motion is ugly as mentioned above.

This is a permanent installation. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Restrict Chauvet Spot 350 LED pan/tilt range

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:03 pm
by simonB
Perhaps try to make the circle smaller, or program a different shape? the best thing to do really is to sit and experiment.