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Elation Fuze Spot Extended Modes Crash Suite 3

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:03 pm
by BrianSimons
I wanted to run my Fuze Spots in CMY Extended mode so that I would have 16 bit channels for CMY. I had been using them in Suite 3 set to Mode 3, which is CMY Standard mode. When creating a new Page with them in Mode 4 (CMY Extended), the software crashes as soon as you click the final create button to add the fixtures. Then after the crash, there is a page for the lights but it's all messed up. If you try to interact with it in any way, such as going to Page Settings, the software crashes.

I created a new show file and tried importing just a single Fuze Spot to eliminate all other variables, and indeed it crashes Suite 3. I also tested out the other extended mode, Mode 2 - which has 16 bit channels for Red, Green, Blue, Mint & Amber - that mode also crashes the software. Mode 3, which is the CMY standard mode seems to work fine. I'm using the Oct 28 Beta version of Suite 3. I can't find anything conspicuously wrong with the SSL2 file. Here's a dropbox link to it. ... .ssl2?dl=0

Re: Elation Fuze Spot Extended Modes Crash Suite 3

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:02 am
I can confirm, that it crashes. This beta 28 OCT is also killing me...

Definitely something to do with the 16 bit. Make sure you call the UK office for assistance, if not already.