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Sunlite 2006?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12:06 am
by nidocamen
I wanted to see what was in development as far as new features / fixes / additions in the Sunlite 2006 suite. I would assume the software will be available in beta soon? And then it would be available to buy in Jan?

Also, if you ever actually come up with a 'real' technical manual instead of a fairly un-helpful help file.....that would be a great benefit. People who run these type of systems need a reference manual to explain a lot of the things that you have to guess about currently. I believe it is one of the big things that turns people away from buying this software. I have not bought it yet myself because of a lack of a real technical manual.



Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:52 pm
by bjkered
Just to add my Aggrement. I am a new user having moved up from Sweetlight and am dissapointed that a Technical Manaual does not exist. The user manual is only an Introduction. ( with big gaps) I am initially dissaapointed that a full scale Tecnical manual does not exist and I am Battleing my way through a much more feature rich sweet of software. I have lots of ideas but am struggling to get all the basics working. It is a far better product than Sweetlight but please improve the documentation with Many more examples and how to use the features . The word "EASY" is used a lot in the SW but I am still to be convinced. Yours still an impressed but frustated user.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:14 pm
by machtl
it would be great to have some "snapshot" buttons on an extra page. to fill the shortkey problem. i would like to set up a lightshow and when i think that a special combination of colors, movements etc. of all fixtures is great, than i want to store that state on a "snapshot" button. than i would like to set up a total different light situation and reapeatly save that state on an other "snapshot" button. these buttons should be dimmable via mouse, midi and dmx. this would improve the software extremly, and we could use it for showlighting and theatrical lighting too... please include a feature like that in the next version! thanks...