Invert pan and/or tilt in a scene

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Invert pan and/or tilt in a scene

Post by Domingos »

Is there any way to invert pan and/or tilt movements from some fixtures, but just in a scene? I know you can invert pan and/or tilt it in the page setings but this will affect all the movements that you create in that page. It will make easier to program some movements, specialy when you have fixtures in the sides of the stage or in the sides of a dance floor. I would really like to have that option in the shape properties.

Post by x0000646 »

Olha Domingos, isso não é fácil de fazer.

Especialmente se for um movimento muito complexo.

Se for simples joga com o Inverter e com a Rotação até conseguires o que queres.

Boa sorte.
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