A simple movement

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A simple movement

Post by Domingos »

Hi everybody. I want to create a simple movement where some fixtures goes from point A to point B, but I want to make them to do that movement with a little gap between the fixtures (about 1/2 of a second), ie, all the fixtures are pointing to point A, then 1st fixture starts moving to point B, 1/2 sec later fixture two do the same and so on.
whats the easiest way to do this?
I tried using esytime to create the movement to the 1st fixture and then I copy the movement to the other fixtures and add some phasing to create the gap, but the result is not what I really want, because in the beginning of the movement (after apply the phasing) the fixtures are not all at the same point (point A)
All the fixtures must be at point A in the beginning and at point B in the end, no loop.

I can do it with easy step but some math is needed to calculate intermediate point.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Post by x0000646 »

Quantos robots/scanners é que são?

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Post by Domingos »

8 Robe ColorSpot 250 AT

Post by x0000646 »

Pronto. Basicamente o que tens de fazer é o seguinte :

Duplica a cena @Center, para trabalhares a partir daí.

(Editor Easytime)
Desliga o Loop. Cria uma linha de dois pontos em cada um dos robots.

No primeiro ponto defines a posição inicial de cada um, e no segundo a final de cada um.

Agora seleccionas os 00s e 01s na barra da esquerda, carrega no botão "TIME" e aumentas o tempo para 9 segundos.
Quando ele te perguntar se queres fazer um fade diz que sim.

Agora é que é a parte complicada.

O unico que se vai manter igual, é o primeiro a iniciar o movimento, que, se for da esquerda para a direita, p exemplo, é o da direita. Nos outros tens que seleccionar a parte verde toda, copiar, e colar um passo à frente sucessivamente. (no 2º um passo à frente, no 3º dois, no 4º três.........).

Depois tens que corrigir os passos iniciais e ou finais para que bata certo. Porquê?

Porque quando o 5º robot começar a andar já o primeiro parou. Isto leva-te a definir os primeiros 4 passos do 5º robot todos iguais, para que ele n se mexa até essa altura. Isto aplica-se na devida proporção aos outros tanto no fim como no principio.

Se achas que é muito complicado, envia-me os ficheiros Page.ini e Page.out por email, explica qual é o movimento aproximado que queres fazer e eu mando-to já feito. Depois abres e analisas que vais perceber o que queria dizer com esta conversa toda.
Junior Forumor
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Post by Domingos »

Obrigadão Nuno

Please translate the answer to english

Post by 121261 »

Hi there

could anybody please translate the answer x0000646
gave into english, please

Thankyou and best regards


Post by Shep2112 »

Here's the tranlation from Babelfish Translation on altavista (www.av.com).

Soon. Basically what you have to make is the following one: It duplicates the scene to @Center, to work from there. (Easytime Publisher) It disconnect the Loop. It creates a line of colon in each one of robots. In the first point you define the initial position of each one, and in the according to final one of each one. Now seleccionas 00s and 01s in the bar of the left, loads in the button "TEAMS" and increases the time for 9 seconds. When it to ask if you want to you to make one predestinates says that yes. Now it is that it is the complicated part. The unico that if goes to keep equal, is the first one to initiate the movement, that, will be of the left for the right, p example, is of the right. In the others you have that to seleccionar the green part all, to copy, and glue a step to the front successively. (in 2º a step to the front, in 3º two, 4º three.........). Later you have that to correct the initial steps and or ends so that it has beaten certain. Reason? Because when 5º robot to start to walk already the first one stopped. This takes you to define it first the 4 steps of 5º robot all equal ones, so that it n if moves until this height. This is applied in such a way in the due ratio to the others in the end as in I begin it. If you find that very it is complicated, sends me the Page.ini filing-cabinets and Page.out for email, explains which is the approach movement that you want to make and I made control it to you already. Later you open and you analyze that you go to perceive what wanted to say with this colloquy all.

It almost makes sense, eh? ;)

Post by Shep2112 »

It wasn't me. :)

I just thought if no one else was going to give an answer in English, a translation was better than nothing.. Not much better though ;)

Domingos originally posted the question in May. I don't know if he still reads this forum or not.


P.S. I would be interested in seeing an Easy Step that does this movement, but I'm pretty sure I could do it myself if I sat down and did one move, then copied and shifted the time amount or something.
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