How to make/encode video so it works with ESAPRO???

ESA PRO combines the ease of use of the Easy Stand Alone software and new powerful tools required by the latest LED fixtures

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How to make/encode video so it works with ESAPRO???

Post by perolalars »

I have tried so many different codecs, format compressions, resolution etc without getting a video file (.avi) to work as control for a single strand of RGB led strip (individual addressable).
And I have tried to contact nicolaudie but no luck their either! I can play my animations on Windows Media Player, Quicktime Player and VLC Player without any problems.
ESA PRO says "Video loaded failed" all the time.
What can I do to make this work???
I have made animated gif´s and that it playing ok...
Hopa that someone have had the same problem and know a workaround?!
Best regards