Sunlite Suite 2 Official 6th December

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Sunlite Suite 2 Official 6th December

Post by simonB »

Here's some of the bugs and features in the 6th December official version of Suite2


********FIXED BUGS********

not possible to type a set level of 100%
followspot corrections
if a fixture doesn't have a dimmer channel, the RGB channels are now be faded with the master dimmer
Bug. Layers, when you move a button and the screen has to scroll down automatically to find the zone you want to place in (if you have lots of buttons, too much to fit within the tab). It crashes shortly after, when you release the button.
phasing is not copied when you copy an easy time block unless the fixtures are selected
problem when sometimes playing 2 switches at the same time with an XY limitation
page settings->patch->pan tilt
zoom settings were not always saved after re-opening the show

show selected timelines' didn't work in EasyTime
console->ignore MIDI velocity 0 ignored all MIDI velocities below 127
problem with text disappearing in console
crash when writing a stand alone show with an empty page
scene jumping in stand alone only works on page A with the new Suite2-FC/FC+
EasyTime->if color compression was activated and there were block on just the green and blue timelines, no block was shown
some gif files were not being interpreted correctly
print preview was slow to load
page selection was not feeding back. For example if you were using each page on the midicon to control a page of fixtures in Suite 2. If you changed the page selection in suite 2, the MIDIcon was still set to the old page
console->color mixing command was set in the live tab but appeared in general tab
if a button was renamed, the console trigger was not renamed until software restart
-if you selected the background, it was not possible to select any other object until the background was de-selected
make a fixture order
make a multi selection and click the 'merge' button
drag the merged group onto another fixture inside the 'Included fixtures' list
rect effects did not preview when the effect editor was open
all channels flickered when a switch was automatically deactivated with the 'limited time' property
DMX in didn't work with the BC in auto detection mode


********NEW FEATURES********

copy group from master to other pages
Add new icon to open and close beam in fixtures window with the selected fixtures
Del Key now works in the cycle editor
add icon of appropriate effect instead of a camera with a cross through it
console mapping to reset dimmer/speed/phase/size dials on buttons and pages
if a smartphone or tablet is running easyremote, it's now possible to learn console commands without pressing on the console window
console palette control
-open palette window
-create new palette
-fixture selection
-control a channel, color wheel or XY grid of fixture selection
external window list is now scrollable if it's higher than the screen
If you add a single channel fixture, a dimmer switch is now created for each fixture and added to a compression
Add the arrow keys to move a fixtures pan tilt channels in XY zone
Console Editor text alignment. When a button is added:
-the text area size is the same as the component size
-the text is now aligned in the center
-Text border is set to false
'write the show on computer' has now been implemented
now possible to write a backup show to an interface
added button editor in right click menu
new followspot tool where calibration is no longer restricted to a grid