use of pages

Sunlite Touch Sensitive Intelligent Control Keypad

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use of pages

Post by jacou »

what is the function of the pages and how can I use them?

I get the message I may not mix scenes from different areas in one page (still he drops them as if nothing is wrong. A bug? He should ignore these actions I assume?).

I assume a page is strongly related to an area? By switching the page I suppose you can change a scene in different areas without touching the (global) settings of other areas.
Is that correct?

dragging and dropping to page A (default?) fills in the matrix op the pages.

I can switch the screen with the rectangular buttons on the GUI from A to B and so on.
But the problem is that i can not populate these other ages...
I can drag and drop scenes to the stick; but he doesn't fill in the matrix? Nothing happens...
Last edited by jacou on Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: use of pages

Post by simonB »

One page can contain many scenes. The pages on the DE3 can be changed by tapping the buttons below the screen. You cannot add more than one different area on a page. Pages are useful for splitting up a show or area into more manageable pieces so you don't have a huge list of scenes.By using different areas, you can play multiple scenes simultaneously. More information on areas here: ... Js2LoL.htm

Regarding the bug, it should not be possible to add different areas onto the same page, try with the latest version