SL2048EC - Interface and 1024 DMX channels

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SL2048EC - Interface and 1024 DMX channels

Post by DJ_Hazelwood »

I've upgraded my SL512EC to the new SL2048EC.

Today i got it back and now i'm doing some tests.

And there is one open question:

The description on the homepage says
- Switch the DMX Input to Output and get 1024 DMX channels directly from the interface (Sunlite 2006)
So how does this work? There is no switch on the interface. :?

Post by Guest »

It must be done for the Controller menu -> Starting Parameters -> Outputs window.
Select USB-DMX for the 1st universe and check the box on the right-side of the menu. Then, select USB-DMX OUT 2 for the 2nd universe.

You must wait for the new version of the sofware to do that. We will release it this week.

Post by DJ_Hazelwood »

Ok, so i will wait.

Thanks for the reply.
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