***--READ FIRST--***


Moderators: simonB, nick, florent, dylan, Ben

SuperMaxi Forumor
Posts: 1630
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:50 pm

***--READ FIRST--***

Post by simonB »

Where is my post?
The first few posts must be approved before they are visible. This is due to a heavy amount of spam. Posts are normally approved every 1-2 working days

Posting a problem
1. The forums are here so everybody can share problems and help each other. They are checked by Nicolaudie staff but not every day. Therefore for urgent matters, send an e-mail
2. Outline the steps you have taken to tackle the problem. Use bullet points
3. Search the forum and check the FAQ page first: http://www.nicolaudie.com/en/faqs.htm
4. Outline your spec at the bottom of the post in bullet points including FIRMWARE DATE, SOFTWARE DATE, OS and PRODUCT NAME (eg SLESA-U8, SUITE2-BC. Not SIUDI8, this is the name of the PCB)
5. Always start a new thread unless you think that your problem is directly related to a problem being spoken about. FOR EXAMPLE, don't bring back a thread from 3 years ago to say "this happens to me as well"
6. The 'Other Languages' forums are not checked by Nicolaudie staff, so it may take a while to get a response