What's new?

Speak about discontinued products here such as Sunlite 2004, 2002, 2000, ESA 2007 and EasyView 2004.

Moderators: simonB, RichterMC, florent, dylan


What's new?

Post by Guest »

______________________/15 April 2004\________________________
Bugs fixed:

- new buttons (scenes, switchs, cycles) are automatically selected when they are created
- bug when using F1 and F5 keys to adjust DIMMER faders (page or button)
- no more limit of 255 3D objects in the 3D visualizer
- bug when creating a new 3D object right after deleting one in 3D visualizer : the new object was created with a bad size

New features:

- use of 5.1 sound files in Easy Show (wma format)

______________________/26 March 2004\________________________
Bugs fixed:

- graphic bug within the output window when calling menu
- bug with color rotation in the 3D Visualizer
- restoring keyboard shortcuts from the menus
- crash when moving a fader (DIMMER or SPEED) for a long time

New features:

- New CD-ROM setup
- allow changing size of fixtures in ScanLibary Editor (in cm)
- displaying icons on time line (Easy Show)
- DIMMER and SPEED curves on buttons (Easy Show)
- small eyes in the page list window to display or not a page