I am helping someone with development of a setup in Freestyler, but we've run into a weird issue with Easy View. When one of us creates a stage then sends the file to the other, when the stage is opened by the other person, all the fixtures wind up being aimed differently on the destination machine than they were on the source machine. The is true regardless of which machine the stage was created on - the other machine renders the fixture positions incorrectly. Stage objects are all rendered properly and in the correct locations - only fixtures wind up rendering wrong. They get located correctly, but their aim is wrong, often flipped 180 degrees on one axis. Most but not all fixtures exhibit this behavior.
We are both running Freestyler 3.5.2 and magic Easy View 12.827.3539.0 Beta. OS is windows 7 (x64 on my machine, not sure about the other machine). The only significant difference I am aware of between the systems is that I am located in the US, while the other person is located in the UK.
Could there be some sort of regional setting that causes EV to render things differently? Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated!
Fixture positions change between computers
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