Hey guys,
I'm having some trouble with these devices. I have 6 of them networked over a Cisco SGP2000 8 port switch. All 6 have 1.23 firmware from the Aug 16, 2016 program.
Device 1 - Univ 5 - Master - IP -
Device 2 - Univ 1
Device 3 - Univ 2
Device 4 - Univ 3
Device 5 - Univ 4
Device 6 - Univ 7 and 8
When I'm connected to the system via computer running ESA Pro - Aug 16, 2016, the system runs fine. But when I disconnect the computer, only fixtures connected to Device 1 and 6 seem to respond to the programming. Any idea what is going on?
SLESA-UE7 networking issues
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