Leap year

ESA PRO combines the ease of use of the Easy Stand Alone software and new powerful tools required by the latest LED fixtures

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New Forumor
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Leap year

Post by cadgal02 »

I am using the most recent version and need to know what happens to calendar events when there is a leap year or daylight savings time changes?
Maxi Forumor
Posts: 283
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:37 pm

Re: Leap year

Post by nick »

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for your question.

Daylight Savings Time
Nicolaudie interfaces with calendar triggers can automatically adjust their time using daylight saving time (DST) settings.

Most Nicolaudie interfaces (i.e. Stick-KE1, SLESA-7B, SLESA-U8) change time at 2 fixed dates each year (e.g. 31/03/xx and 27/10/xx). This gives a close approximation of DST times, but can sometimes be out by a few days.

The Stick-DE3 can use computed DST times, which are the most accurate. For example, you could set a DE3 to change the time on the last Sunday of March and the last Sunday of October. (See image attached of HardwareManager settings).

When DST settings are active, any scene triggered at a fixed time, for example 8am, would automatically start an hour earlier or later depending on the time of year. Scenes triggered by Sunset and Sunrise will not be affected and will continue to be triggered with the rising or falling of the sun.

Leap Year
The calendar on our devices do take into account leap years, adding February 29th to years such as 2016, 2020, 2024 etc. Any scene which is set to trigger every day or on a particular day of the week, will still continue to play on a leap year day. If a scene is set to trigger on February 29th, it will only play once every 4 years.

Kind Regards,

daylight savings settings.png
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