mpeg sync

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mpeg sync

Post by GarethC »

I am having a problem with Meg files in Easyshow; when I load the mpeg file (video and audio) into easyshow and start from the beginning of the file there is no problem but if I start at any other time it starts from a random point (ie put cursor on timeline at 2 secs and it plays from 15 secs). It seems totally random. This makes program a show very hard because you have to play the file from the beginning to check your work which is ok if your show is only 5 mins but a headache if your show is 45 mins long! Is there a work around or mzaybe a different video format is better. Any suggestions would be great.
Maxi Forumor
Posts: 213
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:59 pm

Post by dylan »

Did you play you're show in "Video synchronization"?
To switch the synchro mode go in "?" menu, synchro.

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