Using LED with Sunlight 2002 FC

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Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:56 pm

Using LED with Sunlight 2002 FC

Post by LJSylver »

Hello to all,

is it possible to program LED Lights with SL 2000 FC? Do I have to create a new effect?
Have somebody programmed this and can send my the files? I would like to use LED PAR56
from Stairville. Controlled from 5 DMX Channels. Allready finished programms (ch1). R,G,B (ch2-4) and
Sound to Light (ch5).

Hope anyone can help me.

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Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:56 pm

Re: Using LED with Sunlight 2002 FC

Post by LJSylver »

I found it out by myself. =)

Take for every LED PAR channel a channel as same as a PAR lamp. So you have 5 lonely channels for one unit, in my case.
First for value, second red, third green, fourth blue and fifth is speed control. You can program your own programs or in FC you can use the sequenzer or chaser. In additon I have taken one Midi channel for every color for every unit. So I can live play on my "light organ" =) That is fun!
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