SLEAS-IP1 and Sunlite Suite Compatibility

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The Listener

SLEAS-IP1 and Sunlite Suite Compatibility

Post by The Listener »

If I buy SLEAS-IP1, can I drive it with real time DMX from Sunlite Suite (including DMX generated as part of auto analysis)? I've looked and looked around for a definitive answer to this, but to no avail. The Software chart is confusing as it can be interpreted as Sunlite Suite won't treat SLEAS-IP1 as a full DMX citizen.

The Listener
SuperMaxi Forumor
Posts: 723
Joined: Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:12 pm

Post by bruno.falip »

SLESA-IP1 is not compatible with Sunlite Suite. It can be recognized by SUnlite if a SL2048FC or SL2048FC+ interface is already connected.
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