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How do i know its working?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:47 am
by jharris
Our IT department have installed the software on my PC and im not exactly sure what they have done.

I dont know anything about DMX, so could you please give me a few pointers.

The reference number mentioned on page 12 is not comming up, Just Sunlite 2004, APR 14 2004. Does this mean the software is not installed properly? Is it just working in demo mode. Can i talk to any DMX devices? What should i do?

I have a Lumidrives colourdriver 36 CDE-L-3-35-DMX connected to your SLESA. Do you have this device in your library? How can i quickly tell whether they are talking to each other, or whether there is a comms problem (ie ive made wrong cable etc). ie can i use the software to see what devices are connected and are healthy on the DMX network? If not whats the quickest way to change the light output on the colour driver to check its working?

Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:52 pm
by Guest
Are you trying to use Sunlite 2004 with an SLESA interface? It is not possible, SLESA interfaces work only with Easy Stand Alone software. It might be your problem.