The firmware of my interface is : 1.19
Suddenly the interface no longer works.
The LEDs flash one after the other.
Can not use sunlite. (same in stand alone, The LEDs flash slowly one after the other )
I used the application tool, then it working.
I do not know why
Now i can use the inteface ? what happened ?
Do you think i have a problem with the interface
( yesterday I changed the timing dmx)
Error log :
Suite2 caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module Suite2.exe at 0023:00fe6ac7.
Exception handler called in ExceptionAttacher.cpp - AfxWinMain.
Error occurred at 3/2/2013 11:27:56.
C:\SunliteSuite2\Suite2.exe, run by admin.
Operating system: unknown Windows version (6.1.7601).
2 processor(s), type 586.
32% memory in use.
3837 MBytes physical memory.
2596 MBytes physical memory free.
0 MBytes paging file.
0 MBytes paging file free.
2048 MBytes user address space.
1731 MBytes user address space free.
Read from location 00000024 caused an access violation.
EDI: 0x0000000b ESI: 0x080cbfd8 EAX: 0x03b65240
EBX: 0x080cbfd8 ECX: 0x0469d960 EDX: 0x00000000
EIP: 0x00fe6ac7 EBP: 0x0029f914 SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210297 ESP: 0x0029f8dc SegSs: 0x0000002b
Bytes at CS:EIP:
3b 4a 24 0f 85 ff 00 00 00 8b 55 08 8b 8b 94 12
0x0029f8dc: 7d09687c 00000000 080cbfd8 00000000 |h.}............
0x0029f8ec: 0029f90c 0818f354 77112a63 00010822 ..).T...c*.w"...
0x0029f8fc: ffffffff 080cbfd8 0029f8dc 0029f9e8 ..........)...).
0x0029f90c: 016d34d0 00000000 0029f93c 00fe781d .4m.....<.)..x..
0x0029f91c: 00000000 00000004 00000000 00000000 ................
0x0029f92c: 080cbfd8 00000001 00fe7790 00000004 .........w......
0x0029f93c: 0029f9f4 011b5555 000000c8 00000001 ..).UU..........
0x0029f94c: 7d09689c 000004fb 080cbfd8 004ceeb8 .h.}..........L.
0x0029f95c: dcbaabcd 00000000 00000000 0154e2f0 ..............T.
0x0029f96c: 0029f97c 0029f998 00000000 00000020 |.)...)..... ...
0x0029f97c: 0029f9e4 74836d91 74836d51 7c8e42b1 ..)..m.tQm.t.B.|
0x0029f98c: 004d2b9c 00010822 080ccb10 00000024 .+M.".......$...
0x0029f99c: 00000001 00000000 004d2b9c 00000060 .........+M.`...
0x0029f9ac: ffffffff ffb2d463 74836ce9 74836d91 ....c....l.t.m.t
0x0029f9bc: 00050001 00000001 00000000 01abc3c0 ................
0x0029f9cc: 004ceeb8 01abc3dc 01abc3c0 0029f9f0 ..L...........).
0x0029f9dc: 01abb554 7fffffff 00000000 0029fa7c T...........|.).
0x0029f9ec: 016fc9fc 00000000 0029fa14 011af57d ..o.......).}...
0x0029f9fc: 000004fb 000000c8 017d73c8 0029fa10 .........s}...).
0x0029fa0c: 080cbfd8 00000000 0029fa88 011b368a ..........)..6..
0x0029fa1c: 000004fb 000000c8 00000001 7d096be0 .............k.}
0x0029fa2c: 00000000 00010818 00000000 00010818 ................
0x0029fa3c: 000004fb 000000c8 00000001 00000000
interface does not work - error log
Moderators: simonB, nick, florent, dylan, Ben
Re: interface does not work - error log
Hi, download the latest version of the software you use and write the firmware included with this. Also try to re-write the default DMX timings.