ESA Pro 16 bit gradient problem

ESA PRO combines the ease of use of the Easy Stand Alone software and new powerful tools required by the latest LED fixtures

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ESA Pro 16 bit gradient problem

Post by sherov »


We use STICK DE-3 with ESA Pro (built Dec 16,2013) to control 16-bit 4-channel DMX Decoder (ETREN LEDrive X4). The Gradient effect doesn't work as expected: the produced DMX level cross-fades are not smooth, they look like "smoothed steps", and visually look like 8-bit steps. For example, we want a light channel to be faded from intensity level 0 to 5: it stays at level 0 for a while, then quickly fades to level 1, and then again stays at constant level, and so on. We consider this to be a bug in the ESA Pro software, since simple "fade-in" effect produces smooth interpolated fade.

Ivan Sherov