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Restrict value in a specific channel

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:48 pm
by Oclaus
Hi there,


I am desperately trying to restrict sunlite to go over a certain dmx value from a certain fixture channel.

Let me try to explain it as follows:

I have a RGB Fixture with an additional master dimmer channel. This dimmer channel has 2x purposes:

- From 0-190 it controlls the master dimmer.
- From 190 - 255 it has some values with stupid effects which I do not want to be used

Now my question:
What is the easiest way to restrict sunlite to ignore all values above 190 ? I have been trying to adapt the scan library preset but I did not get it to work properly. Do you have an idea for this?


Re: Restrict value in a specific channel

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:00 am
by mtregael
You can restrict values using a dimmer min-max in a switch.

- Create a new switch in your RGB fixture page.
- affect "Dimmer Min-Max" on the extra dimmer property of each fixture.
- select the "min" box and move the slider to "0",
- unselect the "min" box and move the slider to 190.
- save the switch.
- Shift + right click the switch and activate "Show fader: Dimmer"

Now, you can move the Dimmer fader of this switch from 0% to 100% and the dmx value will be from 0 to 190.
