In order to get better midiconsole support I try to upgrade from dec 2012 to 20140923.
I have choosen to create a new sunlite home C:\SunliteSuite2.20140923
When Installing I wasnt sure whether I shuold install new drivers, I choose not to.
The import of show into sunlite works fine, though I havent tested the midi controller functions yet.
I imported the easiview setup as well.
at first eaview behaved strange : unable to change colours on fury400smode2 heads, unable to show light beam from adj propar64 mode 6
The I thought Ok, I try to add a new page to see if import wasnt working ... but I cancelled ...
easyview stated changes has happened even though no changes added ... but easyview wasnt working "good" allready
so I reloaded from easyview and then
much better ; colours where ok, beams from propar is seen ...
but the placement of the lamps has to be reworked.
I dont design lightshow with "1000's" of lampe so I will move the heads back, but can I avoid that :
Is this normal behaveoir changing the sunlite and easyview version ?
Do you have a procedure ? or is it because I cant expect backward compatibily from 20140923 to dec 2012 ?
upgrade easyview, procedure ?
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