Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet


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Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet

Post by darkmas »

Hi Guys. I have a brand new Suite 2 FC interface. The interface works perfectly with Sunlite Suite 2 and Easy Stand Alone 2. IT does not work via ethernet with Sunlite Suite 1 and Easy Stand Pro (which I don't care so much about). But I do need to have this working with Sunlite 1.

When I start Sunlite 1 or when I click on "about.." it shows this:

JAN 26 2015

And when I go to the starting parameters -> outputs, I have selected "IP_DMX" from the dropdown list, which then changes to IP_DMX ( which is the correct address for the box. But I get no output from it.

When I run ESA PRO, the start-up finds the interface on the network and allows me to select it as expected: "SIUDI-7B SN: 110804 IP:". However, in the lower left corner of the main window it says: "DEMO mode: ESA PRO Feb 11 2015 - No hardware connected" and I get no output.

I have run the hardware manager which is able to locate the interace via USB (when I plug it in) AND over the network - no problem. And yes, the network here is not and I have changed the interface's IP address via hardware manager. I suppose as a last effort I could go back to the original IP address but I haven't tried that.

Here is more information:
Windows XP SP3, 32 bit, 2GB Ram, Intel Pentium M processor 2.13GHz
IP address:, Netmask, Gateway

Device Type: SIUDI7B
Device Name: Siudi_7B
Serial: 110804
Product Code: SUITE2 FC (0x00040081)

Device Firmware Version: 1.22
Device Firmware Compilation Date: 2015-01-23 10:04:38
New Firmware Version: 1.22
New Firmware Compilation Date: 2015-01-23 10:04:38

Current IP Address:
Current Network Mask:
MAC: 18:86:3A:00:5C:FB

I am able to go into the DMX input/output section of the hardware tools, manipulate the sliders and confirm that it is working.

When I plug the interface into the USB port on the computer and start sunlite 1, I get a pop-up that says: ERROR : [XHL]Device Disconnected. Sunlite then comes up and I can select USB-DMX and sunlite 1 works - I am able to get output from the box. But then, if I do something like display or hide the "toolbar page" it stops working and I have to restart sunlite.

So, its only ethernet that doesn't work, and only with Sunlite 1 (and ESA PRO - which I don't care too much about). Note that this is the "Beta" version of sunlite currently on your download page. When I download the non-beta version of sunlite (Apr 17, 2013) it pops up a dialog saying that I need to upgrade my firmware on the SLESA-IP. Which is NOT what I have. So I haven't proceeded with this step. Should I?

I Don't know what else to try.
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Re: Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet

Post by Ben »

Unfortunately Sunlite Suite is not compatible with Suite 2 FC over ethernet.

You will need to connect the device via USB to be able to use it.
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Re: Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet

Post by darkmas »

What? Not only does your web site say it is compatible: "Orange interfaces with SD card slot : ESA, ESA2, ESAPRO, SUITE, SUITE2", but in this post: OS/HW/SW compatibility w/sunlite 2 Ethernet interface I made my requirements clear by asking: "what combination of operating system/driver/hardware/software do I use so that I can boot up the machine and have both SUITE and SUITE2 installed and connected via ethernet to the interface and use either program?" To which you responded: "Also when you upgrade to the Suite 2 hardware you can use both the Sunlite Suite and Sunlite Suite 2 software on a 32 or 64 bit PC."

Now after I've spent nearly $1000 on this interface you're telling me it is not compatible after all! I spent the money (the venue's money actually) on an ethernet based controller because you said it would work in the configuration I very carefully described. If I had not been given false information, I would have bought a Basic Class (USB only) controller and spared the expense.

Are there plans to make this work? When? Are you going to amend your web site to declare this issue of incompatibility? Can I return this thing to the retailer and receive a full refund? How am I going to explain to the venue that the design I put together for them (ethernet/wireless) is useless?
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Re: Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet

Post by simonB »

Hi There
you said it would work in the configuration I very carefully described
This was not clear. You said you wanted to use it with Suite 2 over ethernet but over the transitional period you wanted to use it with Suite 1. Therefore, as the interface is compatible with Suite 1, you can use it with Suite 1 + USB over the transitional period, and then afterwards with Ethernet + Suite 2.
Are there plans to make this work?
Sunlite Suite 1 is 9 years old. There are no plans to develop this software further.

If you've purchased the interface direct from us I'd be happy to offer a full refund. E-mail me with the e-mail address you used to make the order.
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Re: Can't use Sunlite 1 with SUITE2 FC interface on ethernet

Post by darkmas »

USB mode doesn't work either. It works for a minute or two, then the output freezes, although the program is still running and the output window shows the channels still moving, the interface just stops putting out data. If I restart sunlite, it works again for a few minutes then stops. Repeat.

This is with the Jan 26 2015 version of sunlite. The April 17, 2013 version seems to work ok.