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[Fixed in Beta][BUG] EasyTime Pan/Tilt with fixture with only Tilt => Crash

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:30 pm
by Superbaloo8

I found a bug in Sunlite Suite 2 version of 13 February 2015 when editing a scene/switch with EasyTime.

It happens when I try to generate a movement "Pan/Tilt" with a fixture which doesn't have Pan channel.

  1. Add a page with 1 moving head with Tilt channel, and no Pan Channel (like CONTEST Wave-8x10QC)
  2. Add another page with 1 moving head with Pan/Tilt channel (like standard moving head ;) )
  3. Create a new switch/scene in the Master page and edit it
  4. Keep all fixture selected, and assigned to pan/tilt channel of the 2nd moving head, the "EasyTime" settings
  5. Open EasyTime tabs, drag and drop "Pan/Tilt" effect to the timeline
    • EasyTime window is open
    • As the global selection was kept, SL2 assigned automatically all Pan/Tilt channel available of "EasyTime" settings
  6. Try to generate a simple line of 2 point
Awaiting Result:
- I don't really know, maybe if both Pan/Tilt doesn't exist on the same fixture, doesn't assign "EasyTime" Settings. But overall, the awaiting result is not a crash ;)

Actual Result:
- Sunlite Suite 2 crash, it purpose you to send the crash dump. But we are still lucky, because we can still close the editor, and save our show !

Re: [BUG] EasyTime Pan/Tilt with fixture with only Tilt => C

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:37 pm
by nick

Sorry you're having problems and thank you for your detailed post.

I tried replicating the problem in the latest version of Sunlite Suite 2 (Jan 29 2016 ) and could not replicate the crash.

However, I was unable to do step 6, as I wasn't sure what you meant. Can you explain what "Try to generate a simple line of 2 point" means?

Many Thanks,


Re: [BUG] EasyTime Pan/Tilt with fixture with only Tilt => Crash

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:12 pm
by Superbaloo8
Hi Nick,

Sorry for the late answer, this issue is fixed within the latest beta, we can't try to generate Pan/Tilt movement with fixture with only "Tilt" channel. No more crash ;)

For the step 6, "Try to generate a simple line of 2 points", I write a mistake, it was "Draw a line from 2 points as movement in Pan/Tilt editor window".

But nethertheless, it is fixed :)

P.S: I'm answering also to your email, much appreciated !