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De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:23 am
by Merkinturnip
Hello, I would like to de-assign the master dimmer from a fixture page so that I can dim the main stage fixtures all at the same from the master dimmer but leave the backdrop/wall wash fixtures at their page dimmer preset levels. I'm using the APC40 midi console if it makes any difference, I know it shouldn't.
I like how the master dimmer works in conjunction with the page dimmers for all of the other fixture pages and don't want to change that interaction for them.

It's probably a very simple thing to achieve but I'm still on the front end of a steep learning curve.

Many thanks for any help in advance.

Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 11:52 am
by Superbaloo8

Please take a look at your patch settings, you can choose which DMX canal can be affected/controled by the page dimmer :)


By uncheck it, you can remove it from page dimmer.

And afterall, if it is still not correctly working, you can create your own "Master Dimmer", to control only the fixture you want.

Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:12 pm
by Merkinturnip
Thanks Superbaloo.
My understanding of the master dimmer is that it provides an absolute range for page dimmers etc so that when the master dimmer is at say 50% then fixture page dimmers will only output between 0 and 50% dimmer when varied between fully off and fully on.
So with master dimmer at 50% and page dimmer at 100% the actual fixture page dimmer output is 50%.
This I like and would like to keep because its good to set the lux levels for certain scenes and fade them all together and bring them all back to the pre faded values all on the master dimmer.

I just would like to isolate a fixture page from obeying the master dimmer to keep background lights up when master dimmer is off.

Does any of that make sense?


Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:21 pm
by mtregael
Hi Merkinturnip,

Superbaloo is rigth. That's exactly what it is doing when you uncheck some devices in patch settings.
Or... maybe we don't understand what you are talking about...


Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:23 am
by Superbaloo8
What I have understand from your reply:

You are looking for a certain way of working which allow you to:
  • in some cases, have a complete master dimmer which works on all fixtures
  • in some other case, have a complete master dimmer excluding a specific fixtures
If yes, using patch option will not be 100% the right way.

After, is it useful or not ? I don't think so, just play with 2 faders through Midi Console, one for the master dimmer, and one dedicated to your pixel wall, with patch settings which remove the pixels wall from master dimmer.

You will have to restitute with 2 Faders, but you will have the complete control of the both, this is what you really need ?

Then, what you can do, is though midi assignation, when master dimmer is close to 0, set the pixels wall dimmer to 0 in the same time (activation of a blackout button), then release this last (pixel wall fader will take back the control) when master dimmer is greater than 0 (or 5, because very low value are not so confortable in midi ...)

Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:42 am
by Merkinturnip
Thank you all for your help. I have a solution to my original problem and it just involved a little bit more understanding of the basic functions of different dimmers and employing your advice.
Superbaloo, I like your latest solution too and can definitely use that elsewhere so thank you.

What I did was set the midi assignation on the console master dimmer to the master page dimmer then set the midi assignation on the console LED Wash dimmer to "Button Dimmer" with selected button checked. This works fine for me since I only ever have one of the LED Wash scenes active at any one time. I then used your advice and de-selected the page dimmer box in the patch setup matrix. Yes I use two dimmers but that is fine and I have a blackout button that will kill everything while is bring both dimmers down if need be.

Many thanks and kind regards


Re: De-assigning the master dimmer from a fixture page

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:57 am
by Superbaloo8
I'm happy to read your answer, solution has been found and it works, that is the most important :)

Have a nice day !
