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No DMX and cuelists issue - Going crazy!

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:28 pm
by AJLighting

I am a full-time lighting designer/tech, and I usually work with other systems like Jands Vista, Road Hog, GrandMA, etc. and am completely new to Sunlite.

I am trying to upgrade the system at a local church from Sunlite Suite 1 to Sunlite Suite 2 and can't get things to function correctly for anything!

My first problem was with a kernel error that I was able to find a solution for by downloading the beta version (they are running on a windows XP machine), but I haven't been able to get the software to output DMX through the interface. It shows up in sunlite under auto-detect and I have updated the firmware (though I'm not sure it really took) to no avail. The only thing I haven't tried is re-installing/updating the drivers manually but I am hesitant to mess with it too much because the current system needs to remain functional.

I'm heading back out to the church Monday to give it another go, any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance for your help!

Onto my next issue;

How in the world do I just make a good ol fashioned cuelist??!! I have read through the manual and spent a good amount of time in the demo and I can't seem to find a good way to set up the system to have traditional cuelists and go / go back buttons to play through the cues! They are using an elation MIDICON console so it would be nice to just load a cuelist onto each fader.

Thanks again for your help! I'm losing my mind over this!

Re: No DMX and cuelists issue - Going crazy!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:04 am
by nick
Hi there,

Thank you for your message. I have sent you an email to begin support for your DMX output issue.

Have you seen this facebook post about simulating Cue Lists in Sunlite Suite 2? ... 787620037/

Kind Regards,
