Problem when limiting pan/tilt amplitude

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Problem when limiting pan/tilt amplitude

Post by mikachu »


I've got a strange behaviour when limiting Pan/tilt on a Micro Pan/tilt enabled fixture.

I've seen that when slowing down a movement to have a really slow panning, the pan and micropan aren't synced at all making the fixture "wooble".

On a non limited area pan and micro pan are synced and when micro pan comes up to 255, pan increases of 1 and micro pan falls to 0 making a really smooth effect
When limiting the area, they are not synced anymore. When the micro pan comes up to 255, pan doesn't increase of 1 but micro fan falls to 0 making the fixture go backward, slightly later pan increases of 1 making th fixture go forward really hardly.

This bug is still present on Sunlight suite 3