auto-release of switches in easy-show

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auto-release of switches in easy-show

Post by nidocamen »

Hello, I had posted something regarding Easy Show a few months back that would be very useful to me. I wanted to see if a feature could be made to control whether a switch in easy show gets released at the end of its duration. Scenes don't auto-release, but switches do.

With the level of programming and extreme detail of my shows, it would be much easier to have switches that would not auto-release. Bruno had mentioned in a reply that y'all would most likely put in a feature for Sunlite 2006 to control the auto-releasing. I just downloaded the latest (mar 22) release and noticed the switches still auto-releasing. Is this still possible to build into the 2006 software? It would be much appreciated!!!


Phoenix, AZ USA

Post by Guest »

We'll see how to add this feature.
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