Quick way to flip a pattern?

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Quick way to flip a pattern?

Post by djhushd »

Is there a quick way to flip a pre-set pattern?

Example: Say i have 4 moving heads in a line. I set the patern(macro) to circle, i want 2 of them to rotate counter-clockwise, and 2 of them to rotate clockwise, for a better effect.

Is there a simple way to do this?

Post by Guest »

Edit he button, right-click on the shape area and open the properties window. Open the Advanced tab and click on reverse.

But this is not a LIVE control, the button will now be saved like this.

Post by djhushd »

This does not work. All this does is distort my button. It almost appears to slide it to the side. Is this a glitch?

I am controlling minimacs fyi

Post by Guest »

It works perfectly when I try it ! What version of Sunlite 2006 do you use (release date) ?

Post by djhushd »

It works fine when i create my own shape. However if i set the macro as the pre-made circle and then attempt to edit it and use reverse it does not work.

I suppose this is a bug or, just a limitation of the software?
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