some questions and improvements

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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some questions and improvements

Post by gabrielefx »

Dear Sirs,
I like how Easy View works (clone of Adobe Premiere gui) but i prefer to have it integrated in Sunlite 2.
It's preferable to have the timeline in the same Sunlite gui and add a simple method to drag and drop buttons/scenes/cycles without right click mouse button+ctrl

Also I really don't like that cursor icon that shows a so tiny but long hand, it's really difficult to pick the right bin. Please substitute it with an arrow.

Then I would like to know if it's possible to record manual fading like in a midi sequencer, I was not able to do it.

Fading and interpolation of all events follow a linear curve but it's preferable to use our personal curves or design our slopes like we do in After Effects (and many other softwares).

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Re: some questions and improvements

Post by simonB »

it's preferable to have the timeline in the same Sunlite gui and add a simple method to drag and drop
You could use a cycle on the master page
without right click mouse button+ctrl
It has to be right click +ctl for 2 reasons
1- to stop you accidentally doing it live
2- right click flashes a button
I really don't like that cursor icon that shows a so tiny but long hand,
We're not developing easyshow right now but I'll add it to our request list if we decide to develop it in the future
Then I would like to know if it's possible to record manual fading like in a midi sequencer, I was not able to do it.
It's possible to draw a line on any element which will change the dimmer and speed of a button, however it is not possible to record this in real-time or add an exponential (or easy-ease) curve. Again I'll add it to a list of things to think about for the future
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