Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Sunlite Suite 2 is a complete re-design of Suite 1. Please discus any issues here

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Maxi Forumor
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Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by RichterMC »

Hello Simon,

here are some bugs I found in Beta 15.Sep.

- when you have setup some live presets and try to make a new switch the software will crash.
I think they try to implement to save live button presets with the "as you see now" feature, but it seem to be a bit buggy at the moment.
It happens under Windows 7 64 Bit and Windows XP.
Send some crashlogs to Dylan.

- in the fixture window the group scrollbar is missing most of the time, you have to rezise the fixture window a little bit, then the scrollbar will show up.

- when you have many groups in the fixture page and you need the scrollbar to see the lower groups, you can still add new groups but you can´t reach them with the scrollbar.

- sometimes I can´t delete groups

- Renaming a page from the page settings won´t work.

Best Gernot
Experienced Forumor
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Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by Dojec »

Also, if you create/edit a scene/switch, the mouse scroll wheel doesn't work in the different sections. You have to go everytime to the scrollbar, left click the mouse and then go back. Scrolling would be much faster and handier.
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by RichterMC »

- when I try to select many fixtures in the button editor with the lasso the software will crash.
to reproduce:
open the Demo Show, open the button editor for the multicolor button on the Masterpage.Choose the smallest zoom setting in
the fixture window of the button editor, use the lasso in a fast way to select all fixtures in the fixture page.

- the "double click" bug on a gradinat block in esay time is back.
I think it was fixed in the last Beta but now it´s back again in Beta 15.Sep.
the button editor frequently cash when I try to open/edit a gradient block in the timeline.
When this happen you have to restart Suite 2. On Windows XP it will cash every time, under Windows 7 64 Bit
you may need some attempts.
If you like to check, load the demo Show and open the button editor for the multicolor switch on the Masterpage.
Now double-click a gradient block in the timeline.
If I right click on the gradiantblock in the timeline and choose "Edit" from the context menu it won´t crash.
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by simonB »

- when you have setup some live presets and try to make a new switch the software will crash.
I can't reproduce this, can you find a pattern?
the group scrollbar is missing most of the time
The show scrollbar routine only seems to happen when the window is resized, it needs to be added to the group add and page selection procedures
- sometimes I can´t delete groups
Any Pattern?
- Renaming a page from the page settings won´t work.
this is a bug
when I try to select many fixtures in the button editor with the lasso the software will crash.
this seems to be a bug
- the "double click" bug on a gradinat block in esay tim
yes I also get this
the mouse scroll wheel doesn't work in the different sections
true, this needs to be fixed

Thanks again!
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by RichterMC »

- when you have setup some live presets and try to make a new switch the software will crash.
I can't reproduce this, can you find a pattern?
I´ve send you the screen video I´ve made for Dylan.
- sometimes I can´t delete groups
Any Pattern?
No, sorry not yet.
when I try to select many fixtures in the button editor with the lasso the software will crash.
this seems to be a bug
I´ve got a screen video of this as well, if you like I can send it to you.

Best Gernot
SuperMaxi Forumor
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Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by simonB »

I´ve got a screen video of this as well, if you like I can send it to you.
Not needed as I can re-produce it every time, keep it for now though just incase..
Maxi Forumor
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Location: Germany/Deutschland

Re: Bugs in Beta 15. Sep

Post by RichterMC »

when I try to select many fixtures in the button editor with the lasso the software will crash.
I found out that this isn´t just a "lasso" bug , I get it to crash using the groups or the "Select All" + "Unselect All" buttons as well.
It seen to crash when ever many fixtures are selected / unselected in the button editor.

Here´s an other little bug in the button editor Circuits Window:
When you assign the "on" function to a channel the fader should move to the top and get freeze there, also the correct preset icon (if available at DMX 255) should be displayed over the fader.

Best Gernot
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