Sunite Suite 3 FC+

New features and a new user interface.

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Sunite Suite 3 FC+

Post by zxplod »


I have Sunilite Suite 2 FC+ currently. I am very excited to get Suite 3. However, it is extremely unclear to me how to do this. I need to purchase new hardware correct? So I am trying to purchase new hardware. On the site it has the header "Sunlite 3" with a list of hardware under it. However if you select FC+ then the description for that device doesn't say anything at all about Suite 3. (See attachment). So, is the site wrong or the description wrong or what is going on? Can you please post a link to what product I need to have Suite 3 FC+?

Thank you,
Suite 3.JPG
Suite 3.JPG (266.21 KiB) Viewed 4176 times
Maxi Forumor
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Re: Sunite Suite 3 FC+

Post by nick »

Hi David,

To use Sunlite Suite 3 you will need a Sunlite-BC or Sunlite-EC model. We are planning a Sunlite-FC model for release in 2020.

For further information please see this page ...

Kind Regards,

Nicolaudie Tech Support
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